Everybody knows in Spain(and Europe, too) what is the situation of electricity tariff. due to the high costs of Mwhour, where each day there is a new historic record in Spain. In ZATEC technical plastic injection ,we are committed to responsible production and consumption with affordable and clean energy, in line with the sustainable development goals (SDG12 y SDG7).We have completed the installation of solar panels to generate an important percentage of self-consumption, seizing the central hours in the day, mainly. With the mentioned situation of electricity tarrif the costs are each day more elevated and these numbers substract directly to annual results of company, affecting to internal costs and therefore the competitiveness. If we add the current situation of raw materials with continuous growh of prices and delivery time, we have a complex global scenario.
As you can see as follows, the graphics show the evolution of spanish electrical market, with minimum, maximum and average price of MWhour (2020 vs 2021),the source of information is
In these graphs you can see well like the costs Euro /Mwh have grown
from 41,97 of average in 2020 to 156,14 in this past month of Septmeber 2021. A big difference!
Nevertheless, when we take this decision the situation are not the current, then these data reaffirms us that we made the right choice
This chosen is the result of an exhaustiv study market based on powerfull installed of 237,60 Kw-pico, producing during the first year 1.301,20 Kwh per each Kw-pico. For this, the orography of the land and the shadows that it may have have been studied to install panels on the most appropriate slope of the roof of the warehouse in order to obtain the optimal solar radiation. With an easy monitoring of live data, through a mobile application so that interesting information can be extracted to cross with other manufacturing data.
Instalación de los paneles solares
Why do we have installed solar panels in Zatec?
Initial investment pays for itself thanks to generate savings in the electricity tariff, minimizing the big energetic dependence that we have, as we have commented some lines above, there is not a small problem. By this way we can invest these savings in other themes. Besides is modular, depending on chosen size that every company requires.
We reduce the CO2 emissions, with an installation of self-consumption of 237,69 Kw-pico, assuring 309.165 Kwhour/year. By this way, with this annual production, per each Kwh that is produced, 200 gr de CO2 are not emitted, based on data of CNMC(National commission of markets and competence, in english). Therefore, if we consider the guarantee peiord of lineal powerfull of solar panles installed, we can estimate the CO2 emissions that will be not emitted to atmospheare: 309.165 Kwhour/year x 30 years x 200 gr CO2/Kwh, a total of 1.854,99 Tons of CO2 prevented.
Solar energy non pollution and clean, that we transform in electrical energy, contributing with goals of 2030 agenda of sustainable development. SDG7 – Affordable and non pollution energy. Encouraging a circular economy.
Besides of numbers and numbers, we are conscious with this type of technology and we expect to show more investment in this same line. LLike injection moulding company, if there is some point where we can collaborate, we are at your disposal.